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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how StudyPlus uses and protects any information that you give StudyPlus when you use this website. To retain the Privacy of our customers & website visitors is our highest priority. Our relationship with you is very precious & we realise the value of the information that you share with us.

StudyPlus is committed to ensuring that your privacy is thoroughly protected. Under no circumstances will we try to sell, disclose or rent to third parties, your personal information collected at our website. We will merely use it to provide our services as outlined in this privacy policy.

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service. We may use the email address or contact number provided by you to send promotional emails or to talk to you about new products, special offers or other information periodically which will help you to plan.

Website Disclaimer

StudyPlus reserves the right to make changes to any information contained on the website at any time whatsoever, and without notice or limitation of any kind, including, but not limited to, information relating to countries, courses, and other related information.

The information contained or displayed on the website of StudyPlus is for general information purposes only. While we make an effort to keep the information up to date and correct, we give no guarantee of any kind, about the accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or completeness, of the data.

Through this website, you may link to other websites which are not under the control of StudyPlus. We do not have control over those sites, and the inclusion of any links does not necessarily entail a recommendation or endorsement for those sites in any way.
